Mainly, make sure you do all the things mentioned above with your partner. Regardless of if this was a surprise gift or not, I think that sharing this with your partner and taking the care with one another to enjoy this together makes the experience that much more special. I know it sounds cheesy, but this really is a gift you can bond over.. male sex toys She wont say wots up, and when i ask her she gets mad at me. She acts cold and kind of bitchy at us, and flirts heaps with a guy she was involved with a while back. She's realy touchy about it, n i dno wether she still has feelings for him or wot. An awesome feature of the Pawn is that it is completely waterproof. Having said that, I noticed that there was a very slight gap between the base and the white portion when the base had been twisted to turn it on. Though I can't say for sure that this would affect its performance in water, it did concern me a bit. male sex toys butt plugs Cru...